Your Desires are The Map

inspirational snacks magic support Jan 04, 2021

Happy New Year! What barn has burned down for you? What moon can you now see?

On February 12 we enter the Year of the Metal Ox in Chinese Astrology. A year of prosperity, discipline, and stability. The six-week period before this date is where we set the tone for our personal 2021. I found it interesting that 2021 also represents the beginning of a 12-year cycle. What was happening for you in 2009?

Master teachers say this is a year of love, receiving. A year of Divine Feminine energy. That energy creates through radiance and magnetism. They also say precision and discernment are essential. Pay attention to both sides. A talk I heard early in my yoga studies spoke of "The Two Wings of the Bird: Self-Effort and Grace".

2020 is at long last settling into the “review mirror”, as my daughter Lily used to call it. I talked to one of my quaranteam pals the other day about 2020. It takes 7 years to replace every cell in our bodies, I’ve read. I feel on a cellular level that I am not the same person who sank devastated to the floor in front of her fridge over Memorial Day weekend, suffused with heartbreak and shame over being American.  Already the year felt long. How many more times could my heartbreak, I thought then? Turns out it was a lot.

Strength, courage, love, resolve, and zeal for contribution are running through my veins now. You too?

Pivots are natural, easier.

As a parent, it took me years to learn the gifts in my mistakes. It was in parenting that I really stepped into relationship courage. Ego be damned, I had to stay in that game. That same freedom is now a breath of spring air in me throughout my life. Drop this, do this.

Notice I didn’t write to you for a while.
My business model had to fall apart, and that was, and is, a gift!

Supporting your expansion in 2021! 

My new Facebook group kicks off tomorrow. We'll be learning about Surfing the Wave of Fortune. The Wave of Fortune is a collection of lifelines favorable to you. You can string your lucky events together to maximize positive experiences + abundance. Can this year be your luckiest?

I just joined Clubhouse, and together with my friend Jessica am hosting a room talking about Sex and the Female Entrepreneur.  We will be exploring how we are often pushed to operate our businesses from masculine energy, and how business can work and feel so much better when we come from feminine energy.

Personal Clearing! What are you planning for your year of the Metal Ox? I have two spots open for six weeks of sessions and Voxer support. Clarity, inspiration, and intuition to fuel your expansion. $2500 each. From the coaching notebook, I'm seeing my business clients are surprised to be finding true love. Entrepreneurial ideas are taking off in expansive creative abundance. Maybe it's your turn for magic?

Overheard on New Year's Day:
Client: "She's changing my life."
Student: "I don't want the training to end!"

Are you ready to master coaching? I'm here for you! Learn my magic tricks. Privately mentor with me 1:1. One spot only. Reply to this email to apply.

I'm taking my courses digital! Learn my customer service secrets and ninja coaching tips in a new course library launching soon.

Join My List!

Insights, mindset tips, strategies and joy. Let’s grow your business together