Your Concert Rider

Aug 31, 2024

Have you heard the story about the brown M&Ms in Van Halen’s Concert Rider? It circulated for a while as an example of outrageous privilege. The band’s contract required that a bowl of M&Ms with all of the brown M&Ms removed be placed in the green room. Why on earth would they make such a ridiculous demand? 

And there are similar tales about other celebrities—omg this article is mind blowing! 

Success has insane privileges. 

Some say the brown M&M thing  was a PR stunt. But I prefer the explanation David Lee Roth gave. He said that the band’s show was super technical. The performers would be in danger if set up details were overlooked. The properly executed M&M bowl indicated that the onsite team had read the entire contract, which gave the band a sense of safety. 

Safety. I like that. 

What’s in your concert rider?

This topic came up recently, and it is important. As you elevate in your life and business the demands increase, and you have the privilege–and challenge– of deciding how you’ll be supported in handling them. What got you here won’t get you there. 

Maybe you are surfing a wave of increasing revenue and impact. This is where a wobble often starts. Over-functioning and subtle self-sabotage show up. You can reclaim your power by slowing down and evaluating. You’re in a new pattern and haven’t mastered it yet. You get to consider – you NEED to consider – how do you want to work at this level? How do you want to be supported?  

If the support you have doesn’t feel exhilarating and collaborative - even sexy - old patterns are going to surface. It’s time to rewrite your rider. 

Learning to receive is itself a lesson. A fun one, yeah? 

Maybe you can notice how your shoulders relax when you think about the opposite of the pattern that has been squishing you. Claiming space, establishing boundaries. Designing rules of engagement for clients, and even family and friends around how they can access and work with luminous you. That is the fun part. Well, almost the fun part. 

The REAL fun part is implementing those rules and then feeling the up level they create. The bonus here is that your choice to up level raises the vibe of everyone around you. 

Uplevel with me this Fall? This is the sweetest group thing I’ve ever dreamed up. A group program for coaches who know they want to hit their next level and don’t know exactly how to get there. Limited enrollment 

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