You Deserve It... Saying the quiet part out loud

Nov 02, 2024

After spending hours this week helping a client prep for Court, I did a quick analysis. In the life of my practice, more than 50% of the women I have supported or trained have come to me with either active toxic ties or a history of toxic ties. 

And not just a little bit toxic. Halloween horror story toxic. Mostly partners, parents or siblings. I don’t market myself as a coach who specializes in toxic relationship recovery or support with high-conflict divorce. And people don’t hire me to work on that stuff. 

But it gets in the way. To move forward those ties have to be cut and cleared.

Women who come to me have seeds of dreams or are developing active dreams. 

As they lean in to work on them, they need all their good energy. And what’s in the way presents to be healed. 

Core patterns will repeat until they are pulled up and out. This is what I work on with my clients. This work gets results:

  • One client doubled sales this year and is set to triple next year
  • A client opened her heart and unexpectedly found love
  • Another client set fresh boundaries with her team and employees, calming her nervous system. Her business hit a totally new level.

Removing the toxic ties is like boot camp, it REALLY hurts, but you feel super strong once you get through it. 

If you are struggling under the weight of a toxic tie or a recurring pattern of them, you know you deserve clarity, peace and sovereignty. 

Anything that is interfering with you feeling abundant, peaceful and in love with life and yourself is static. Invite yourself to learn how to Tune It Out.

Get your energy up high enough to reach for empowering support. You know who benefits when you choose to heal? Your family, your lovers and your kids. Your clients, team and bank accounts. And all the creative projects you’ll contribute to and bring to fruition.

Ways to Work Together:

  • Private Coaching gets you intimate empowerment. This is where you release illusions, blocks and traumas and open up to sustainable, easy abundance, love and success.
  • Local to PDX? Join me most Fridays at 8:30 at Caffe Umbria in the Pearl for a meetup. Next week’s topic: Intuition. Shoot us an email and let us know you're 

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