Why You Need 5 Positives for Every Negative
Nov 10, 2021
You have a choice every day. Believe noise, news, and your fears, or--be bigger.
“I love this amazing life!” said my client as she prepared to go to Mexico for several months. Months prior, when she originally shared the dream with me, it came out in a whisper. She couldn’t see it coming true. If she followed the idea her business would wither. We unfolded the fear and smoothed it out. Shored her up energetically, released money blocks. Crafted strategies.
Holding space for others’ dreams is the coolest job.
She’s there now--in Baja for the winter. Making money, living her best life.
Trusting in the juice of what you want to do and bringing it into reality grants you a superpower. Belief. Then you can help others try on their dreams. One person, one experience at a time. Your radiance ripples in their life, in the community, and beyond.
A dream to create something is a masculine energy—it is an engagement. “Let’s try this…”
When it lands on receptive energy, it expands. Feminine power strengthens the intention. It’s magnetic. I think it’s electric.
It takes five positive interactions to release the impact of one negative one. Five to one, people. Our work on this earth plane is to heal ourselves, so that our children and communities inherit positivity, self confidence, open heartedness and the certainty that they can go to Mexico for the winter.
For Black Friday this year we’re going to bundle up self care and sublime client service tips so you can nourish yourself and your business during the holiday season. Dropping soon--watch this space.
Also for Black Friday! And btw I have never done anything for Black Friday. So why not go big? Early bird bonus for our January coach training cohort. Enroll by 12/1 and receive a 1:1 clearing with me before 12/20. Limited space.
Trained with me before and feeling the call to deepen? Reply to this email to learn about the 80% off discount available to previous grads. One time offer available ONLY for the 2022 January cohort. No extensions, and yes, I really do mean 80% off.