What is the true dwelling of the holy?

corporate coaching courage health coaching magic mission money Aug 11, 2022

Hi Everyone,

What is the true dwelling of the holy?

I saw that line in a poem this week. The true dwelling of the holy.

The line was about connection:

What if they are the true dwelling of the holy, these 

fleeting temples we make together when we say,

“Here, have my seat,” “Go ahead — you first,” “I like your hat.” 

My last newsletter, where I shared about my life’s recent changes, brought me connections.

To me, they are life’s essence. They are the true dwelling of the holy. Thank you if you reached out to me after you read it!

The noise of the coaching industry has overpowered this simple truth in recent years, touting scaling as the one true way. But the stormy waves are shifting and by the way, in our corner we didn’t listen to them anyway. Mentorship. It’s deeply personal.

I had coffee with a friend last week; she is working on a gorgeous path of creative expansion. “You gave me permission,” she said. “Until you did, I felt stuck in someone else’s dream.”

Being seen. Being seen even for your blind spots, witnessed as still capable, worthy, gifted and whole and told to KEEP GOING is the true dwelling of the holy.

I solve for my challenges intimately. I get vulnerable and naked. I admit the deepest fears. I think it’s “problem-solving sex”. I don’t want the half answer. I want the answer orgasm. YES, this solution.

Struggles I had in school where I stayed hidden kept me horribly stuck. When my daughter hit a big wall as a teenager, I initially stuffed her issues in a performative box. That didn’t help her. When I was honest about them and we asked for help it freed me to better support her, freed her to be herself, and she healed.

Asking for help with home organization brought me into balance in my space. People often comment they love to be in the energy of my home. 

As a young divorcee, I didn’t know how to do my taxes. I was scared to figure it out, but once I did, I felt sovereign and strong!

I’ve felt terribly lonely in my life at times given I’ve been single almost the entirety of it. Leaving lovers that didn’t value me has been tricky and painful. We live in a partnered world. Being vulnerable about being single has brought me amazing connections with singles, couples and families.

Growing as a business owner has been really hard at times. Entrepreneurship can be a lonely path.

Asking for personal help is how I expand every time.

Contrast is where we learn, I think. And it’s healed intimately. The coaching marketplace is bright and beautiful and we definitely grow when we take sexy classes, join the big group programs.

But to create muscle memory and sustainable change we need the intimate connection.

When I listen quietly, I hear what I need and I know what we can—and are called to- create. People tell me.

Connection. Support. Intimacy. A growth game that GETS THEM.

 I am listening!  My mission is your expansion and I am driven to create events and programs that connect and fuel us. 

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