Stepping up as a Leader and Refining your Practice

disillusioned health care workers health coaching health/fitness coaching new coaches Oct 14, 2021


We’re in a time of expansion. If you’re being tested, it’s time to expand. We are here to rise up, to ask for more, to expect more, to be more. (But not to do more - that’s so last year!) 


If you’re already running your own coaching business - either full time or as a side hustle - then I want to ask you a question: 


Are you stepping up as a leader?  


Are you truly shining your brightest light? Or are you hiding away, playing small, afraid to charge your worth, scared to send people to your website and attracting clients who aren’t fully committed to their growth? 


Stop thinking that you’re not ready and start believing in yourself! 

Because, if you’re already on your coaching journey, then you are a leader. 


Patterns can be changed. You are so much more than the stories you’ve made up about why you haven’t been able to achieve success - whatever that looks like in your world.  


Perhaps you’ve realized that you’re ready to deepen your learning, enhance your coaching practice and give clients even more support on their journey.  


That’s where I come in.  


The world needs more grounded, happy, abundant coaches. Coaches with integrity and compassion who are capable of holding space and creating deeply life-changing transformation. Serving that call is my mission as a Master Coach and Trainer.  


My next 6-month Coach Training program begins on October 31, 2021. There are still some spaces available in this small, intimate group, so if you’re being called to deepen and refine your practice and step into a whole new energetic way of being, you can find out more here.


Did you know that in the U.S. nearly 4 million workers left their jobs in June? 


What does that mean for you as a coach?  


Many of these people will be starting new careers in new areas. They may be leaving relationships and beginning a whole new journey in a different country. They may have trauma and PTSD from their experiences over the past 18 months. They may be setting up their own business to follow a passion. And it’s highly probable that they now ‘see’ the world differently post-pandemic.  


All of these huge life shifts bring about a need for coaching, support or guidance from an expert; someone who can help them on their journey to feel more whole, more aligned, happier, and more abundant.  


Many people who are leaving jobs to follow an entrepreneurial path will understand the need to invest in themselves: in their learning, their personal growth, and their business.  

These are the people who have a growth mindset and who will always prioritize self-care, progression, and education.  


Remember: There will always be enough clients for you. And not just any clients, but soul-aligned, ‘dream’ clients who show up on time, do the work and pay you abundantly for the service you provide.  


Being a professional coach is more than a career path, it’s a calling. 

 It’s sacred, devotional, and heart-led. 


When you think of investing thousands of dollars in a coaching program it’s easy to focus on the ‘cost’. All those things you could spend the money on instead - for you, your family and your home. But what about the cost of not investing in yourself?  


What will it cost you to stay stuck? 

What will it cost you to still be here in this situation in a year’s time?  


I believe that it’s important to train coaches not simply in the art of coaching but to provide them with the fundamental tools and techniques they need to create a financially sound coaching business and to work on improving their own wealth mindset so they feel ready to receive and manage an abundance of money and opportunities.  


Even if you’ve already taken a coaching certification program, you may still feel vastly under-equipped to launch a new business as your main source of income, or you may be struggling to get more than one or two clients a month and wonder how you can market and sell your services without sounding icky and sales-y. All this, and a whole lot more, is covered in my forthcoming 6-month Coach Training program.


"I had the privilege to participate in Shannon’s program where I dove deeply into my own personal development and how to create a solid container to support others on their healing journey. I felt held while being guided to learn the tools to build my own foundation to soar from. This is what master teachers do, they teach to give their students the skills to help others + heal themselves in a way to be of service for others."


I’d LOVE to join but I’m concerned about having enough time to fully commit to the course… 


In my experience, when we really, really want something, we’ll make time for it to happen. 


Remember all those hours we used to spend getting ready to go out on a Saturday night? Remember all those times we spent hours at the mall looking for the perfect outfit? Remember how we used to spend half an hour every morning before school straightening or styling our freshly washed hair? We were 100% committed to finding the right clothes and looking hot!  


We may have grown a little older and wiser and have different priorities now, but the concept remains the same. We make time for the things (and people) we value. 


When you love what you do, time goes beyond linear and into the realm of quantum physics. I’d love you to take a few moments to play a little game with me: 


Imagine a day next summer (let’s say 1 July 2022), a couple of months after completing my Coach Training program. It’s the weekend and you’re relaxing in your favourite outdoor place - maybe a beach, a forest, a park or even your own front lawn. Feel yourself there. Notice the sunshine on your skin and the sand or grass beneath your feet.  


Take a deep breath and place one hand on your heart space.  


What are you truly grateful for at this moment? What have been your proudest moments or biggest accomplishments of the last 8 months? What incredible opportunities appeared seemingly out of nowhere? How much more confident and successful do you feel as a coach after dedicating 6 months to deepening your practice and honing your skills? 


How incredibly blessed do you feel in that moment? 


Now, if we jump back to the questions I posed at the start of this blog - Are you stepping up as a leader and are you shining your brightest light? - how might you answer those differently in July 2022 if you invest in yourself as a coach now? 


If you’ve read this far, there’s got to be a seat with your name on it in the Coach Training program starting January 6, 2022. I’m so excited to meet you and to help you take the next huge step in your coaching business. You’ve got this.

Join My List!

Insights, mindset tips, strategies and joy. Let’s grow your business together