Secret Service Story

Apr 15, 2023

Have you seen the trailer for the movie Still about Michael J. Fox?

Talk about a life of unusual service. I was blown away. 

If you’ve worked with me you’ve likely heard this favorite quote: 

I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy ~Rabindranath Tagore 

This quote has a Russian doll element. The secret deep inside is yourself - you have to deeply serve first, and always in order to be optimized in your own work. 

We’re wired to help. Wired to see solutions others can’t. Tap into the right resources, knit a new vibration with our pure presence. It always makes me feel better when I’m stuck to listen to a friend, make a Kiva loan or take dinner to a family that needs a little extra. 

Coaching and connecting in my work? The joy of that is beyond. It’s alchemy. Orgasmic. I love what I’m doing and building. There’s a hum to it. 

The deeper rewards happen because I reframed my  boundaries, learned to receive, put my self care above EVERYTHING else, and because I choose my own personal curriculum. 

The a-has, tears of release, walls falling away, money, true love and pure pleasure happen for clients who go BIG on making themselves Number One. Behind the scenes we call it “Goddess Living.” That title came from a book I read a few years ago, You are a Goddess by Sophie Bashford. When this idea lands for clients it often feels at first like a secret, because we are so deeply trained to be sacrificial. Then their energy is slowly, sweetly…”really???!” 

Yes, really. 

Sacrificial is out. Devoted is in. Devoted to your practice. And your practice priority is yourself, first. When you are happy and dewy on your lotus flower you radiate out to your loves, your children, your family, clients and community. YOU are number one.  

Michael J. Fox is an extraordinary person. And he is an ordinary human who was felled by extreme circumstances that overwhelmed him. He got knocked down, and he had to ask for help and learn to receive in different ways over and over. 

His work entertains and heals us (and I suspect, him), because he does the work, ALL of his work.

Shannon's Suggestions

Denise Duffield Thomas lists ‘decluttering’ as a master practice in all of her money books. As a mom and as a creative, I feel best in clean calm environments, and have trained myself to foster them. Is your closet feeling overcrowded, or maybe your fridge? Spring is perfect for decluttering! Here are two short potent articles with smart tips from decluttering pros. 

Practicing JOY. One of my clients reached out  with the most amazing session request I’ve ever heard. “I’m overwhelmed with joy and I don’t know what to do with it. Can I schedule a meeting with you?” A social media influencer I follow said she’s not great at joy so she’s trying to take pictures of whatever comes up in her life as joyful, resulting in the sweetest set of images. As important as Vitamin D. Maybe more important. Add more joy!


Learn practice secrets with us! Our next Practice Creation Cohort launches this month. This program is a fit for coaches, creatives, seekers. Select this LINK or reply for registration information.

Looking for personal connections and gatherings? Us too! Join us in Bend on April 20th or 21st.

  • April 20th: Happy Hour at Viaggio Wine Bar from 5pm-6:30pm
  • April 21st: Coffee at LOGE Bend from 9am- 0am

Closer to Portland? Terrific! We're also having Happy Hour at the Heartline soon!

Select this Link so we can send you details ~ cannot wait to see you!

Please message us for event details or to RSVP.

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