One Way to Double Your Income in a Month
Mar 01, 2025If serving others comes easy to you, doing more of THAT isn’t your lesson. It’s time to learn to receive.
But it’s not as simple as flipping the switch.
The Hidden Cost of Being a Giver
1️⃣ Bartering
It feels natural to exchange goods and services. Money is just a man-made concept anyway, right?
Bartering is a guaranteed energy drain.
Why? Because you are still in the place of healing your money stories and there is a real risk that you’re not honoring the value of what you do. Feel into it..when you barter does it feel expansive and pleasurable? Usually it feels like an uneven game of let’s make a deal.
2️⃣ Undercharging and Over-Giving
Whatever your prices are right now…they probably should be higher.
You get to decide what you receive.
Are you getting into your clients’ wallets? Letting their stories dictate your rates? Our purpose on Earth is to uplevel, so resisting doing it is resisting essential work.
3️⃣ Lacking Boundaries with Clients
I watched a client literally bring a fresh 5 figures into her business in about a week using this one trick:
She created boundaries.
She had been available at all hours, undercharging, and feeling exhausted and bitchy. Her clients were dictating her rates, her schedule and her energy.
She finally said, “Enough.”
She set new policies and established new methods for access and delivery. No more last-minute asks. No more boundary-crossing.
The result? An immediate shift in revenue. New money pathways opened within days. And an even bigger shift in her energy.
Clients can be taught. And so can you.
Does any of this feel familiar? If yes, you need to bring in support. This kind of stuff is nearly impossible to work on from an action list, because it is so tricky to spot and buried so deep.
Where are you hiding from your next 5 or 6 figures? We can solve that problem in one session. Book a 90-minute Tune-In Session!
Hey! We have a spot open for <RESOURCED> in March. The investment for this program will be going up soon. Here’s why: because it is the most spectacular experience you’ll have as a business owner….I would not wait.