One change doubled her business.

Sep 14, 2024

How did you do it? I asked my client. 
Her business is on track to double this year. Happy relief and joy washed over her after she shared this fantastic news. 

Nothing feels better than steadiness and safety in a well-resourced position. 

It is hot. It is peaceful. It is abundant and juicy. 

It takes work to create it. 

We broke it down. I believe this is an important piece: turning around to look at the exact steps you took that led to what you are experiencing. You’re studying your mastery, which teaches you and helps to foster self love. 

She cultivated faith. 

She believed more was possible for her. 
She let herself receive. 
She accepted help from others in many ways. 
She said YES over and over.

All of this compounded. More and better opportunities presented themselves. She elevated, and the business she has today is almost unrecognizable to what she had 14 months ago. 

Now that she is at a new level, the invitations she is receiving are completely different. She is playing with possibility, and working at a fresh edge. 

Scarcity consciousness is a collective issue; which is why it is so challenging. It’s like we’re all in a gorgeous house with every possible amenity, but we choose to stay in the closet with the vacuum cleaner. The way out of this tough belief set is to cultivate opposite beliefs: hope and faith, for example. And then to practice them, while noticing what shows up. 

It takes discernment. Working on challenging beliefs is easier when you do it with support. The beliefs that are the stickiest are the ones that once shed create the biggest openings. They become tiny whispers, and you’re in that rich experience of well-resourced steadiness. 

This is exactly the stuff I work on with my 1:1 clients. Belief shifting and new paradigm creating. We have some fun back to school specials this month!
Book call with me to talk about how I can help you. 

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