Maybe she’s born with it. Maybe it’s Metaphysics.

Nov 19, 2024

One thing I’ve learned from four years of studying metaphysics is this:

If it feels impossible it’s important. And it needs a lot of energy.
This year I’ve had clients create “impossible” results… multiple times. They are creating $200k years, getting big court wins and landing brand new loves.

We are past playing small. Being limited does not serve you, or anyone around you. Especially right now. When goals feel impossible you need support. Women need a LOT of support, especially right now. Not just ‘you’ve got this’. Actual vibrational support. We live in a world that runs on frequency. The bigger the goal, the more focus and energy it needs.

Impossible brings up doubts. Doubt is kryptonite for manifestation. Faith is the fuel, and intentions are the orders we are placing in the Universal kitchen.

Everyone is teaching manifestation. A simple truth about it is this: the solution to the impossible is outside of your mind. It’s on a different frequency. You cannot think your way to a higher love, healing, or more money. Smart strategy and problem-solving are only part of what clients experience in coaching.

A huge element of it is steady access to energetic upgrades. Why do clients stay with me for 2-4 years? Because they feel good when they are in containers. They feel cleared and joyful and they realize their big dreams.

I hold the vibration of yes. In a space where it is safe and smart. Clients can untangle everything. Solutions emerge that create results beyond what we envisioned. Way beyond.
Miracles happen in mentorship with me. Private Coaching is rich, sweet and transformational. Reach out to apply. Coming soon! Two spots for coach mentoring.



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