Make Money + Create Impact in 2022
Oct 18, 2021
If you’re looking for a sign this is it...
Are you dreaming of becoming a coach, or of deepening and refining your existing practice to achieve your financial and impact goals? The personal work you are doing is medicine for the world. With practical, nourishing training you can make it into a lucrative career.
Let me tell you a story.. a while back I stepped up and began some deep trauma work with experienced therapists. My life has changed hugely because of this commitment. My work has changed. I’ve moved to a new city, expanded my team, stabilized a new revenue level in my business and experienced many other happy events and miracles.
“New level, new devil” is the common saying in coach parlance. EVERY time we’re approaching a new level, ‘devils’ arise.
Have you heard about upper limiting? Upper limiting is a term from Gay Hendricks’ masterwork “The Big Leap”. We all have pre programmed levels of success, abundance and happiness, and when we reach them, we tend to self sabotage (upper limit ourselves) rather than expand.
Since the sabotage occurs in blind spots (aptly named) we do not see what is happening until it is too late. Personal development work isn’t for the faint hearted.
In my coach training program the first book we read—I frankly consider it a personal development bible—is The Big Leap.
My favorite lesson from the book is this one: when discomfort arises in a situation, rather than falling into old patterns of worry, stress or fear, you can recognize the feelings as an indicator of approaching change, and ask yourself, “What new information wants to come in here?”
Meditation helps me see the patterns. Healing work helps me dissolve and replace them. New, healthier, more expansive patterns replace them and my impact expands. I see the work I am doing reflected back in the effervescence of people in my life--my family, friends, clients, team.
Shannon just happens to be one of the best coach “trainers” out there. I use quotes because she doesn’t just train you in the skills and ways that she has honed over the years, but she creates a space for you to learn and grow your way and she builds what feels like a divinely curated community. Along the way, shiz happens. Blocks are shifted. Vision is cleared. Business grows. And you bloom. I mean really freaking bloom. ~Maura Webster, graduate
Coach Training.
Join me on the next 6 month Coach Training program that starts on January 6th 2022. I only offer this in-depth certification course once or twice a year, and this will be the only one until at least July 2022. Competitively priced at $8k. Tuition includes an (optional) live retreat in Portland Oregon.
Don’t miss out!I will be taking 12 students through the course and I’d love to have you there if you’re feeling the call to go deeper, serve at an inspired level and make the money you’re worth.