Love Story πŸ’•

Jul 17, 2024

On a lush summer night at a recent garden dinner with a friend, the talk turned to feminine power.

The mystery of it. The juiciness of it. How to activate and use it.
We talked about what it is, and how few of us understand it. Who has even studied it?
My friend bemoaned that it still isn’t recognized in the corporate world, where she works.

If you are too much in your feminine you’re weak.
But if you are too much in your masculine, you’re a bitch.
These simplistic labels belie the depth of it.

My friend leaned heavily into the masculine and it worked for her.
She’s successful and secure. And up until this topic arose, she’d led the evening.
But on the unfolding of this petal, the balance palpably shifted.

We all want this power. It is the ultimate.

It is the energy of receiving + magnetism + radiance + certainty woven together.

When you first turn it on it can be highly unstable. Your emotions are all over the map. It’s a lightsaber that you are trying to control.

I’m working with five different people right now on exactly this - how to hone your feminine power. These people are disruptors, leaders. This is not beginning-level stuff. Perhaps because I am myself learning to master it, I magnetized people who need support with it.

it calls for an understanding of neuroscience, emotional regulation and your own frequency. And of course, the ineffable element of deep self-love.

You can buy activation of it—I see activation being marketed. Well, you don’t actually need to buy that… one hot date can do the same.

Mastery, however, takes practice.
When your feminine power is mastered, this is when your love story begins

Turn this power on in your life. Let's make it happen. 

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Women are pure magic. We need support to keep it flowing.

I send out the occasional inspirational snack and would love to share it with you.