"It’s handled" Energy

Jul 06, 2024

Did you watch ‘Scandal’ back in the day?
I woke up this morning thinking about Olivia Pope. “It’s handled.” That energy is HOT πŸ”₯

What I love about her, aside from well, everything… I mean, let’s start with her wardrobe. But also THE PRESIDENT– is how CERTAIN she is. She created certainty in her world through learning skills, mastering challenges, cultivating self-trust, consistent practice and construction of –yep, you guessed it–a Care Team. 

I guess I’m moving on from celebs to TV characters? πŸ˜‰

I am a practical person, but the Universe has a sense of humor and Olivia Pope dropped into my head today, so we’re going with it. 

I thrive when I can flow creatively. The energy of flow is feminine. 
However, running and scaling a business involves a lot of masculine tasks. Masculine energy makes business WORK. It makes life work! 

This paradox: the need to flow and feel safe in order to know what to do, and the criticality of masculine tasks which cannot be achieved when my flow is blocked, has long fascinated me. Especially as a single woman. Especially as a mom. 

The way we do anything is the way we do everything.

I want to flow. Safely. And with a lot of juicy power. 

I cracked the code on it, and have created ‘it’s handled’ energy in my business and life. Not understanding it might be what is keeping you from the success you desire. 

One key element is learning to actively receive, and the path to that starts with boundaries. If you’d like to learn the rest and get some Olivia Pope energy in your business and life, book the intensive. 


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