I Never Want To Feel This Way Again. Ever.

Sep 10, 2024

My friend is crushing on a hot guy in Europe.
She took a class from him 15 years ago. Recently the spark reignited.
They send sexy voice memos via WhatsApp.
She is all hot and bothered and is putting together an October trip to follow the thread.

Except she’s freaking out because one time years ago she traveled to New York for a love thing and it fell flat.

She is researching flights, booking business overseas and scouting hotels.
AND freaking out. Because of that one time.
She is terrified that she’ll go all the way to Europe and it won’t work out.

Our ego loves to play the negative hot 100.

We untangled it. She needs to go. She is leaning into the friction of going while assuring herself that this trip will be different, no matter the outcome.
She is a sovereign person! She can create her own experience. She is pushing past that crunchy belief. This is happening.

I never want to feel this way again is an invitation.
We can turn it–even the worst of it–into superpowers.
It is not easy to look at feelings such as being overburdened, resentful, financially scarce, diminished, or powerless as growth opportunities but that is exactly how to receive them..

A master teacher taught me that anger is always a catalyst. It means ‘something needs to change’. Once I understood that, a light dawned. I now don’t permit myself to wallow. Anger is our message to change. It’s up to us to discover what that change is.

The most important thing you are working on feels the most uncomfortable.
As a coach, you want to find it with your clients. It can take a little time. It takes a little space and a lot of love. But when you are in that deep spot… the spot where the true truth comes out, gets seen, gets released and new actions happen, it’s so worth it. Relief.

And then trips to Europe get booked.

I work with coaches one to one–teaching them how to turn on their superpowers and how to build supportive sustainable practices. It’s a hybrid experience with a ton of support..independent well supported coach training.

Let's chat if you are interested in working together. Do you know a wonderful soul who wants to grow as a coach? Send them this post! 

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