How You Want to Feel - Hot, Happy, Holy. Confident.
Sep 12, 2021
THAT is how you want to feel. Certain you can support yourself and receive abundantly in absolutely every way. Safe to ask, to claim, to dream bigger.
Talking through all the things at an evening picnic recently, I tenderly shared what’s been waking me up all week at 4 AM.
The idea of being resourced as a central teaching.
Hot, Happy, Holy. Trusting inspiration, expansion. Safe in the knowing that any roadblock is a guide into a new learning, a new level.
It’s quite simple, as all master teachings are.
And it’s taken me a while to figure it out, because that’s the path of mastery.
It comes down to three things:
Finding Your Teachers: In their many shapes and forms. Life is a school, said master teacher Dolores Cannon. You can’t advance until you learn that lesson. The one in front of you. Your teacher could be a true teacher, could be a negative mentor, a relationship, a book, an experience, a pattern. Settle in and learn that lesson.
Your Entourage: A curated list that you adjust on your terms. These are the loves + lovers, guides, coaches, healers and helpers that see + support you. Your expansion requires that you monitor and upgrade this list all the time.
Goddess Living: Receive it all. Ask for it all. Claim it all—no limits. In your bones you know that YOU are the lotus flower and your radiance heals. Living as a goddess is deeply personalized and empowering.
Last night as I sat surrounded by a million boxes in my new home in Portland I chatted with my daughter. We were untangling some frustration.. “Be unreasonable in what you ask for,” I said to her. Her eyes lit up. Why not? She softly said.