Going All The Way There with Katie Couric. She spills the tea.

courage inspirational snacks Nov 14, 2021

I spent last weekend glued to ‘Going There’ by Katie Couric. Have you read it? ⁣OMG. Super smart and funny. Also nakedly honest, and full of over the top stories. ⁣⁣She’s just so damn confident throughout. Not fearless. Plenty of fear. Terror even. But she’s confident. She believes in herself and her ability to lead, handle, learn from, overcome. She risks. She thinks big, and bigger. She succeeds spectacularly, but also fails. When she does fail it doesn’t diminish her inherent value. Because of all this, she has a huge impact. ⁣

I remember a designer mocking up an image of a jar of ‘Confidence’ as if it was a supplement. “If only we could buy it” we chuckled. Well, we can’t. But we can create it. 


Here are a few tips from Katie’s huge life. 

⭐️Be willing to take up space. People can’t form an opinion about you if they don’t know you. Marketing and visibility are often big triggers for sensitive types (raises hand 🙋🏼‍♀️)! You have to get support to get past that fear. How? From her early days Katie literally never works alone. She always has at least one producer. Get support. ⁣

😳There will always be naysayers! People won’t believe in you or your work. Those people are not your customers. And as Brené Brown has taught us, they are not in the arena. ⁣Katie faces down blatant misogyny and unfair treatment at multiple workplaces. She does this on very public stages, yet she keeps going. Her formula? Recruit supportive, smart and honest team members who believe in her and her work. Listen to those people. Evolve. She gets a few stings, but It always works out. Don’t get caught up in those who (you think) don’t believe in you. Be brazen.  

🤓You will learn! It’s easy to think that someone as successful as Katie popped onto the scene fully formed with her megawatt smile. After squeaking horribly through her first live stand up (in front of the White House!), she was told she’d never go on the air again. She hired a voice coach, she practiced and practiced. Soon, she got better. It is not easy to practice out loud in public, but it builds….yeah, you know it--confidence! 

🤩Sometimes risks pays off. Hugely! After meeting her future husband at a party, she waited the appropriate number of days for him to call, as was the custom. He didn’t. So, she called. “I was going to call you,” he said. “You didn’t,” she said. “I guess I didn’t have to,” he said confidently. Touché⁣. 

🏄‍♀️You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take! Who said this? It’s credited to both Wayne Gretzky and Michael Scott. I’m going with Wayne. What’s a killer dream you want to make into reality? Go big on this! Look at manifestation teachers. The curriculum is surprisingly simple. 

Create the vision. Shut out the negatives, eyes on the prize.⁣ Get calm.

If confidence was sold, we’d be buying it like crazy. But in the ‘earth is a school’ world, it’s created. 


Black Friday--We’re going there. 

The gift you need for Holiday 2021 is mastering personalized self care. Nothing impacts your work and world more than how centered and supported you feel. I first learned this as a single mom when I blew myself out trying to do it all at the holidays. 

Shocker: You can remove literally everything from your plate in integrity. Then fill it back up with spacious intention. This master party trick opens you up to all kinds of alchemy, and we go deep on some of what that can be--calling in the money, serving only from a full cup, refining your ‘top five’ (#boundaries). Presale starts 11/22. 


Also for Black Friday! This is the first time I’ve sold for Black Friday. So why not go big? 

Jump on the Early bird bonus for our January coach training cohort. Enroll by 12/1 and receive a 1:1 clearing with me before 12/20. Limited space. 

REFRESH your training! Trained with me before and feeling the call to deepen? Reply to this email to learn about the 80% off discount available to previous grads. We have rebuilt the course on a brand new digital platform. It’s totally restructured. One time offer available ONLY for the 2022 January cohort. No extensions!  Yes, I really mean 80% off. Limited space.

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