Creating an Epic Year in Love + Money

Dec 14, 2024

Holidays can be so joyful; but for women they can be rife with burdens. Burdens we say we love through gritted teeth. 

Everything shifted for me when I quietly began making choices to make things merry my own way. One of the biggest things I changed was how I handled Christmas presents. I switched from satisfying lists to filling stockings. ONLY filling stockings. 

Read on to see how this could help you both in your holidays and…everywhere else. 

I believe that women deserve to be in power—fully and unapologetically—in their lives, families, and businesses. And there is one simple change you can make to set yourself up to have more of it.  It is learning to put yourself first. Prioritizing yourself is key to…everything.  

Making the money you want.
Feeling radiant and supported in your relationships.
Happily giving to the world, and even more happily receiving. 

Breaking into your next level is like breaking a ceiling.

Until you open that lid, you can’t even see the sky. Yet our enjoyment, money and power are all deeply tied to learning to let in more and sustain at new levels. 

Test how well you are prioritizing yourself. During the holidays evaluate how you are optimizing in your own life. It’s a safe space and time to experiment with your leadership and receiving skills. 

Putting yourself first is hot. Because your elevated frequency elevates everyone and everything around you. 

Maybe this looks like sending your family ahead or alone to an event, and staying home cozy by your Christmas tree. For me it was no longer responding to Christmas lists. Lists stressed me out. I love taking care of my family but shopping isn’t my jam. I love surprises and treasures though. I began exclusively focusing on filling my daughters’ stockings. 100% attitude adjustment.

I get pleasure out of finding things to put in stockings.  And you can put A LOT into a stocking! Last year when my daughter Lily didn’t come home for Christmas I shipped filled stockings to her and her boyfriend. They were over the moon.  

When I focus on what brings me joy, I naturally expand. I’m more creative, and I allow more abundance in all forms. I feel and give more love. Pretty sure all of that resonates with the ‘true meaning of the holidays’. 

Make this December feel aligned with who you’re becoming, not just who you’ve been.

Ready to Break Your Ceiling?
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