Could your Passion and Expertise form a New Career Opportunity?

fitness coaching health coaching lifestyle coaching new coaches Oct 15, 2021



Are you one of the millions of people who discovered a new food or exercise hobby over lockdown? Or perhaps you took your existing skills in yoga, fitness, cooking or holistic therapy to a whole new level providing online support and inspiration for people all around the world.

Either way, it may have sparked curiosity. A little voice that nudged you to dive deeper. A whisper from within that got you wondering whether you could follow this new path full time and give up the day job.


According to a survey by, a Seattle-based site focused on small business, entrepreneurship is ‘a popular and appealing next step’ with 32% of those who had quit their jobs in the previous 6 months doing so to start their own businesses, with their primary motivation to be their own boss.  


Could coaching be your next step?


Coaching is both an organic and logical step for many people who are passionate about health, fitness, lifestyle and activity. If you’ve worked as a personal trainer, yoga teacher, nutritionist or exercise class teacher, you’ve been using coaching skills all along. This makes you a perfect candidate for a sideways move into coaching, one where you get to support people on their journey to improved health and a happier life using professional coaching skills alongside your existing knowledge, expertise and passion.


Once you’re a certified coach, you’ll find that so many new opportunities open up for you in areas you may previously not have considered. If you’re active in the online space you’ll have seen that there are coaches for money, career (or career change), romance and dating, sex and relationships, property, investing, personal growth and transformation and so much more!


From the outside, it may seem like the coaching world is a crowded space. You may wonder how you’ll ever find a niche and make enough money to give up your 9-5. But this is where it gets interesting…


Share more of your multi-faceted self with the world.


As a coach, you get to bring so many facets of yourself to the surface. You get to follow all your passions and share as much or as little with your audience as you wish. For example, you may be a relationship coach who also has a passion for healthy plant-based cooking. The two merge together beautifully when you start to create weekend retreats for couples who desire a more fulfilling relationship with better sex and a healthier lifestyle.


Or perhaps you’re the exercise fanatic who loves dogs and travel, so you create coaching packages for families who want to have wild outdoor adventures with their canine friends.


Or maybe you’re the psychologist-turned-life-coach with a passion for painting who supports clients through healing trauma using art as a form of self-expression.


Whatever unique qualities, personality traits or passions light you up, these are what make you stand out and connect with your dream clients. They may be looking for a money coach, life coach or relationship coach, but when they find out you’re passionate about astrology, forest conservation, cats or surfing, it’s like connecting with a kindred spirit. They know instantly that you’re the one who can help them through the next stage of their personal journey.


If you’ve been pondering the idea of becoming a coach for a while now, you’ll no doubt feel a tug at your heart, a sense of excitement and fear in your belly or a clear intuitive knowing from somewhere deep inside.


This is because coaching is a calling. It’s a sacred devotional path that chooses you.


Do you feel it now? 

Join me for the next round of Coach Training.


I’d love to invite you to read more about my forthcoming 6-month  Coach Training program that begins on January 6, 2022. This is a small, intimate cohort of up to 12 people who are ready to commit to becoming coaches or to refine their existing practice.


As a Master Coach and Trainer, this is the tenth group I’ve had the privilege to teach, mentor and guide on their individual pathways to fulfilling their career and lifestyle dreams. Being part of a supportive group is an immensely important part of the journey. Each person plays an integral role in the course, bringing their own unique energy, expertise, humour and passion to the group calls. Together we learn, grow, laugh and cry. We celebrate the highs and the lows. We’re there for each other, ensuring those who stumble along the way reach the finish line too. It doesn’t matter what the destination, we’re all in this together as humble students.


Over the last 6 years, I’ve refined my teaching practice and the course materials continuously. This means you’re receiving not just exceptional coach training, but a tried and tested method and framework that’s been used over and over again training people from all walks of life to become great coaches who offer transformational services and a high level of client care with integrity and compassion.


My students emerge from the 6 month training period armed with a whole toolbox of coaching techniques as well as the confidence to step out into the spotlight and show up in their new role. I teach behind the scenes essentials, such as creating bespoke services, sales, and marketing, so that everyone feels equipped to start, grow or scale their own coaching business.

Would you like to join us on the next round of coach training? There’s a seat there with your name on it! 

Join My List!

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