Confessions from a million dollar marketer

Apr 29, 2023

Spilling a little tea about mass teaching programs. Sun Yi, a Tedx speaker and founder of acclaimed marketing agency Night Owls (their clients include Gabby Bernstein and Mel Robbins) said that two years ago he hit a wall writing the sales page for his “Instagram Growth” online course.

In his gut he didn’t feel right. He was telling people that the course would help them grow, but deep down he knew that online courses have a terrible completion rate—less than 20%.

He had an existential crisis. He knew that the only way that he could help people was if they ACTUALLY PRACTICED what they learned. He wanted to create a place where people could create, get feedback and grow.

I felt seen.  I have intuitively understood this for years, and it has informed both my success and my failures.

So many things hamper us from pushing forward in our work. Ancestral trauma, fears, not knowing what to do, mistakes that deplete us, criticism from people we trust, lack of resources, blah blah.

Birth is one of the most difficult things that ever happens to you. If it wasn’t automatic, you probably would not have done it. But you did it. And here you are. Let the miraculous lesson of human birth inform how you support the seed that lives inside you about your work. Get brave, take risks. 

If you were preparing to have a baby you would not be lining up support through a digital course. You’d be reaching out to friends, family, your doula. Creation takes effort, and it takes support.  

If you are afraid to do it, you need to do it … the obstacle in your path is the path. If you are waiting until the stars align, you need to do it. If you got kicked down, you need to get up again.

The best time to start was 6 months ago.The second best time is right now. 

Join my party and make it happen. I will not send you off into an abyss filled with digital lessons. Around here we offer midwifery, precise alchemy and support beyond what you’ve ever envisioned.  

Practice Creation is a three-month, personal development program for creative entrepreneurs and coaches that will help you create a personalized framework for future development, potent nourishing connections, practical tools, resources and an understanding of how to source all your future support. 

Shannon's Suggestions

It’s unsettling to observe how powerfully we are pulled in by digital platforms designed by a bunch of twenty somethings using the model of a slot machine. When Facebook was being developed the objective was: “How do we consume as much of your time and conscious attention as possible?” It was this mindset that led to the creation of features such as the “like” button that would give users “a little dopamine hit” to encourage them to upload more content. ~Sean Parker.

Creativity flows best in spaciousness. That is why you get good ideas in the shower or on a walk. From a book I am reading I love the idea of putting a rubber band or hair tie around your phone so you have to catch yourself when you automatically pick it up. It’s forcing me to pause and consider  … am I anxious or bored? Do I really need to do this right now? It’s becoming a mini meditation moment. Try it.

I am loving the book, The Power of Fun ….  

Mark Your Calendars

Learn practice secrets with us! Our next Practice Creation Cohort launches this month. This program is a fit for coaches, creatives, seekers. Select this LINK or reply for registration information.

Looking for personal connections and gatherings? Us too! 

Join us for Happy Hour at the Heartline in Portland on May 17 from 5pm - 6:30pm.

Select this Link so we can send you details ~ cannot wait to see you!

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