Coaching Unplugged? Truth Talk.

disillusioned health care workers health/fitness coaching new coaches Oct 13, 2021

  The elusive six-figure practice--what does it take to get there?  

Questions I’ve been pondering. 
Is coaching a career where you can take one full meal deal training and hang out your shingle and quickly, confidently be making and sustaining $10k a month (or more)?
I do not think so.
It is about service work. Which yes, brings abundance but first there’s the work. There’s discipline.
Coaching is a calling. It is a path. The path invites you to study, and surrender to it in devotion, knowing your heart for service will get you THERE. Wherever you want to go. And yes, that place is spacious and abundant. 
Just like after labor there’s a beautiful baby. But anything worth pursuing takes time. Takes devotion.
COACHES who aren’t in love with your practices (yet) and aspiring coaches. You’re looking for the next right thing. It’s a noisy marketplace! I think it’s like universities and colleges. I see some big universities, like the University of Washington or NYU. I see some smaller programs like Evergreen, Pitzer or Prescott College. 
I’m like Evergreen or Prescott. Maybe a little more Prescott, because Sedona. 
Definitely all about the foundations, but room to roam and be creative. Lots of personal support. Intimate.
My program is lithe, fun, portable, proven, and all lessons are supervised by an instructional designer. Elite coach training. Competitively priced at $8k. This industry needs regulation but that’s a topic for another day. Training Includes a live retreat in Portland Oregon. Train with me! 
Facts about me—
⭐️My refund request rate is under 5% over the life of my practice.
💰I raised my rates consistently even with over 65% of my clients being local in a mountain town.
🍀My private practice is 90% referral based.
I know what I’m doing. 
Interested in finding out more? You’ll find all the Coach Training details here.

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