Cast Your Own Spells

Oct 26, 2024

I bought an ex boyfriend voodoo doll when I was in my twenties. Spent a gleeful night sticking pins in it with a girlfriend while we shared a bottle of wine. We had a ceremonial fire too. I lived in an apartment so we’re talking matches in a saucer, but still. 

I don't remember who we were targeting, but it really was all in fun. We weren’t trying to create actual pain for him.  Well, not A LOT of pain, anyway. 

Back then I did not understand how energy works. It was just girl’s night. Now, I do understand. And I believe that harmless ritual could cause pain if we did it with genuine intent… 

Everything we say, think and do has a direct impact on our world. We have, as Genie says, ‘phenomenal cosmic power’. And if you’re thinking negatively, you might be fearing that you are creating some difficulty for yourself even as you read this. Who hasn’t wanted to suck thoughts back in? 

You can master personalized spells quite simply. It is a language; one that isn’t on Duolingo. The language of energy. It’s vibey and magical—so fun to be writing this right before Halloween! 

I teach my clients to create using personalized magic all the time: 
Set brave big intentions. 
Line your energy up accordingly.
Watch your dreams come alive. 

It’s that easy. Yes, hire me today! All your dreams will immediately come true. 

Wait, what? Is it really THAT easy? And do I actually have the secret tricks?

No, it’s not. And no, I don’t. 
Energy is a simple language, But it takes effort to master.

Your goals and dreams are important to your conscious mind. But it’s your subconscious mind that can steer you the wrong way. It wants to keep running the same old programs and it is powerful. 

Let’s not forget about the Universe. It too has a role. The sheer physics of an intention pull you one way, creating a void that wants to fill. 

As soon as you set a big intention, you will be challenged. 

The bigger the goal, the tougher the challenge. 

The Universe is love, light and law says a master teacher. AND it is exquisitely intimate. The Universe is testing YOU on your terms. It is like you are taking advanced courses that were uniquely set up for JUST YOU. 

Magic is created when you learn how to set your spells up with intention and support yourself through the inevitable voids, experiences of duality, dark nights of the soul and other trials. Trials are part of magic. 

It used to bother me that there is both dark and light in our experience. Why can’t it be all LIGHT? Here is why: we don’t learn and build strength if we are only having positive experiences. Challenges create capacity...capacity for more light. More light means: expanded love, money and power. 

It is natural law that our challenges be Herculean. And deeply personal.
It is like that so you learn how to tap into personalized use of universal methods. And when you do, life feels like magic. 

My clients go from crippling scarcity to tripling their incomes, from anxiety about every business decision to peace, confidence and 5 figures in passive income. 
From burdened by multiple toxic relationships to right-sizing all of them and happily in love.
From frightened to speak about their work to promoting events on multiple platforms simultaneously.
These results don’t get created in group programs. 

Give this amazing thing to yourself or someone you LOVE. Elite, precise unbelievably magical private coaching.

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