Coaching is Calling...

support Oct 04, 2021
The world is hungry for more brave, grounded coaches. Coaches who are devoted. 
Do you have the courage? Do you have the courage to bring forth this work? The treasures that are hidden inside you are hoping you’ll say yes. ~Jack Gilbert, in Elizabeth Gilbert’s book ‘Big Magic’
If you are a working coach and are not madly in love with your life and practice, waking up on fire to do this work every day, you are being invited into a deeper lesson on your personal path. 
If you are a creative or/and a healer and are feeling unsatisfied, overused, frightened, stretched thin, irritated, restless, depleted, or just icky, you too are receiving an invitation.  
Everything in your life is a teacher. Experiences, people, relationships, nature. Mastering lessons is your work in this lifetime. Finding your teachers and their key lessons, learning those lessons, and moving on IS your actual work. “Earth is a school,” said master teacher Dolores Cannon. 
Coaching is a sacred calling. One that invites reverence, AND irreverence too. Coaches are real human beings; we are students on the path. We do not place ourselves on any pedestal; we offer our service in devotion to the hugeness of this incredible school we are all in together. We’re like guides in Backroads Bike Tours. We’re like the moms with the slightly older babies in the programs for early parents. We’re teachers, but we’re always, always in service to our own paths. That is what makes the work holy. 
Recently I was chatting with a friend who observed the central thread in my own work. “It’s devotion,” she said. I felt tears in my throat. I remembered being in front of a Christmas tree as a child on a snowy evening, singing O Holy Night to myself. I felt the power of that song in my throat. ‘Fall on your knees, oh hear the angels’ voices’. I’d never spoken aloud about that theme but yes. She’s right. Devotion. 
Is this email going to freak my list out? If you know me, you know I make raw jokes all the time. I drop the F bomb, I eat chocolate. I love sex and sushi. I binge watch old TV shows. I am a very human person. 
AND I am devoted. And my devotion is what has built the business I am blessed to run today. A business that now employs my best friend as my instructional designer! And has created nourishing fun work for several other people. A practice that lights up lives on the daily, and provides abundantly. A business that (hopefully) inspires my two daughters. 
WHERE ARE MY COACHES? This cohort is already filling up.
Redesigned, refreshed, and absolutely current with all the best tools and practices. Enrollment IS OPEN for our next cohort. 

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Insights, mindset tips, strategies and joy. Let’s grow your business together