Atomic Habits are Boring... A Secret Study of How to Succeed

Sep 21, 2024

Have you purchased a masterclass thinking, is this the ONE that is going to turn the corner for me on my mindset? Is this the one that is going to untangle the mystery of why I struggle to stay motivated? Is this finally going to be the one that tells me what I need to do?
If so, you might be missing the deeper invitation in front of you.

I think we all want the same things–ease for our nervous systems, security in our work, and steady money.

These creations do not come about because of one change, one healer, or even one coach.

They come about through practice.

I’ve got some happy clients right now. Clients who are feeling safe to receive and stack money. Clients handling bigger projects, masterfully navigating huge personal challenges, and simultaneously at peace in business expansion.

I did an informal study of how they got to these beautiful places and it’s pretty simple.
It’s steady habits.

It’s honestly rather boring, because it is NOT a hot masterclass or a new amazing marketing technique or all the therapy. It is asking for help again and again, and letting it in. Letting yourself be fully seen–we grow in intimacy. It is level setting when fears and anxiety arise. It’s so damn easy to stay in the safe but limited place your ego prefers. It’s vital to choose and PRACTICE new beliefs.

It happens about two steps past where you think it will.

Personal development is one of the most impactful processes you can engage in to amplify the love, abundance and happiness in your life and family.

Get started with me in a mini container – you can apply part of your purchase to any other product.

OR meet up with me in person for a mini VIP in October!

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Insights, mindset tips, strategies and joy. Let’s grow your business together