Ask Good Questions

Mar 12, 2023

After a grueling set of interviews and months of silence a job candidate had all but given up hope of landing a position at Amazon when to her surprise she was called in a final time. What she wasn’t told was that the interview would be with Jeff Bezos himself. When he came into the room, he told her that the interview would be comprised of only two questions, and one would be a fun brain teaser. 

I took a deep breath as he stood up and uncapped a pen at the whiteboard wall. “I’ll do the math,” he said. “I want you to estimate the number of panes of glass in the city of Seattle.”

For a moment she was terrified. 

Then I paused to calm down, reminding myself to think about his motivation for asking me that question. He wants to see the way my mind works, I told myself. He wants to see me break down a complicated problem into small, manageable steps. I can do that.

Spoiler alert: she kills it! And she gets the job. Read more here:

Asking good questions is an art, and a practice. Our minds function best when they are being guided by our hearts. Our hearts open when they feel safe and supported. 

One master teacher creates potent ‘what if’ questions that lightheartedly tease into expanded thinking: 

What if the wisdom of the heavens easily flows through me?

What if my great desire manifests into reality? 

What if my soul is on fire (in a good way) and I know it?

What if my life is full of magic?

What if I easily forgive myself? 

What if I feel incredible in my body? 

Reading questions like these feels like emotional carbonation. As a student of expansion, it’s up to YOU to train your focus toward lightness. To confidently shed light on shadows knowing they are meant to dissolve. To learn how to be in the energy of the result of what you want to create. Again and again master teachers say, this is simple. 

But it is not easy. The world is noisy and challenging. Fear and anxiety feel heavy and important … they are not. The true flex is to be intentional about what you want to create, want to do, or want to have in this gorgeous world. And then to align your energies with those things. This is a two-sentence teaching of conscious manifestation. 

Of course, manifestation and intention require process and practice—clearing limiting beliefs and stuck energy are the most critical. These are challenges I work on with people every day in groups or privately. We are meant to be deeply supported always and in all ways. 

But some of this work is decidedly personal. Figuring out what you want, for example. I think a way to get clear on what you want can come from learning to ask good questions. And a way to ask good questions is to raise your own vibration so the questions are generated by your heart. 

What if my path is clear and bright? 

How can I be of service today? 

What magic can I track? 

Magic tracking is one of my favorite practices. It simply means observing what is beautiful, synchronistic or working just right in my life. A warm predawn cup of coffee in a quiet meditation room. A client who feels cleared and strong after a session. A loving phone call with one of my daughters. Angel numbers on my phone. An unexpected actual letter in the mail. 

I remember reading a story about love where the protagonist said, "the love greatly lightened up my heart." I can’t remember the specific book (if you know, please tell me!) but I rolled that sentence around forever. Even typing it now I feel sweet tears.

“You may only call me Mrs. Darcy when you are completely, perfectly, incandescently happy.” ~Pride and Prejudice.

We get THERE by leaning into it. “Leaning into it” can be super easy, but when it’s not, ask yourself, what if I am filled with joy?

Work with me! Here’s what’s happening in March.

Level One. Our signature self-empowerment program. Wait list now open! Taught hybrid style -- live classes supported by digital resources and a learning site. This is a potent 3-month program teaching mindset, resilience, creating a support team, creative activation, self-coaching and more. It’s therapy, expansion, joy and discernment training.

Launching Level Two March 15. This is the place where Level One grads come to continue to practice and to get fed by a supportive cohort. Teaching, healing, group coaching, workshops – at a price point that won’t last. Room for additional grads!

Private Coaching Availability: There's this thing I do with clients that’s hard to describe. It’s what creates the magic and gets crazy amazing results. If you’re seeking to understand lessons that keep showing up in your field and/or want to learn how to turn them into wisdom, light or abundance, I’d love to know more – please contact me to chat.

Want to know more about Level One, Level Two or privates?  Please reply to this email with questions or to schedule a call – I’d love to hear from you.

I am grateful to have you here in my world. Thanks for reading, and please let me know what delightful questions you create and what magic they spark.  

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