Serving full out from your gifts for serious Cash
Jan 09, 2022
The pleasure can be all yours. When I hear “I just channeled this for you,” it’s like fingernails on a chalkboard, because I believe we are invited to call in our OWN downloads. I’m all for channeling, but not keen on “for you”. You need to do your work.
There’s some fire in this week’s blog..maybe it’s the dense energy this week? World events and people experiencing boundaries being profoundly pierced—this stuff dominated. Personally people missed or blew off appointments with me so many times it was funny. I kept trying to right size it, but by yesterday I was like, Okay..I guess this is what is happening? Writing this on Friday. Maybe when you read it on Sunday things will be more chill.
Back to downloads! I get my downloads in the shower, or when I’m working out.
Here’s one from today: It is time to pop the cherry on serving full out from your gifts for serious cash. I don’t use the phrase ‘pop the cherry’ so I am calling that a download.
Guidance is lightning fast, like blink and you’ll miss it. Pay attention and wow, a whole new page unfolds. Your download here could be, ‘She’s right. I need to stop sitting on the sidelines and do this thing. Sovereign IS the new sexy.’
We all can channel. We’re here for that purpose: allowing and following guidance about expansion. My yoga teacher says, “Connect to something bigger”.
You’re not simply invited to connect to something bigger. It’s your charter. And if your interest is in monetizing your creative or healing gifts, you need mentorship.
My mission, which I guess I channeled? is your expansion. So let’s do this!
Right now, we’re getting ready for PRACTICE CREATION: A 6 month container to create nourished quantum leaps. Newly streamlined, but still the same heart-centered genius content that creates raving fans. Let me support you in creating your ideal personalized optimized practice. $8k/includes live retreat in PDX. WE COVER the basics, we learn the magic and we go into all of this too–
CARE for the vessel that is doing all that deep work. How do you consistently clear and care for your energy? Your body, your tender soul?
BALANCE in your life. How do you bring a new energetically demanding venture into an already busy complex life? How do you structure your time, how do you protect it?
MARKETING: It’s 50% of your job. As one of my coaches said, “You’re now a marketer who__________s” It feels almost criminal to me how hidden this was in all 3 of the big coaching programs I took. The reason I kept going on trainings was to uncover this mystery. Yes, I spent thousands of dollars to learn that simple sentence.
SALES. It’s easier and simpler than you’d think. Done with love and nurturing, it is pure alchemy. As the director of almost exclusively high touch programs, I am not teaching you how to get out of discovery calls. I am teaching you how to love them.
MONEY. Gotta heal this. Period.
PLEASURE, JOY + CREATIVITY in your work. It takes practice. ART means “the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination”. Connecting to your PERSONAL thread of creativity and bringing it forward in your work is the nectar. Absent that, your work won’t feel orgasmic.
Starts in February! Creative Mastermind for when you’re beyond basic training. Everyone’s been asking for this! It’s here. The art of this life.