Practical Magic? Upleveling to the Mystical + Vibey Free Resources I Use All the Time

Sep 28, 2024

On a flight the other day I watched the old movie Practical Magic and I thought about how often I have used that term: practical magic.

I liked the balance between the two disciplines..practical choices and actual magic. As a single mom, business owner and longtime student of spirituality, it felt like an approachable quirky mix. It worked for my brain.

Until it didn’t. My thinking has evolved from wanting magic, to wanting mystical.
Magic, I believe, requires that we participate in the process. The movie, which I love, has a lot of spells and conjuring. Did you know it’s about to get a sequel and that both Nicole Kidman and Sandra Bullock have signed on?

Mystical is about vibration. It asks that we strengthen our frequency, and then share that heightened vibration, while asking for more. The mystical is all around us, saying quietly, I can help.

The practical is still in the game though. We live in a 3D world.

This week I talked with clients about how easy it is to turn within to attempt to solve a problem with familiar tools. Clients will cancel sessions or ask for more spacing when they feel stuck. I get it; I have done the same thing. But when you are feeling stuck, that is exactly where (I think) you want to lean in to get support. Because you’re at the edge of a new level and you NEED vibrational support to release the old one.

The solution to your most vexing issue is almost always found beyond your mind. In a higher vibration. Even if the problem feels profoundly practical, the solution benefits from a higher vibration.

One of the first coaching tools I ever learned was to identify an area of ‘least satisfaction’ in a client’s life and then work on exactly that. Go for the root.

I like to reverse engineer it…
✨ Look at an area that is flowing perfectly and figure out how they got THERE.
✨ Then apply the strategies they used to create killer results in friendships, travel, love or money to the stuck spots.

Works like a charm. Where you manifest easily you don’t even think you are manifesting. You trust the vibration. Where you struggle? You get stuck.

Going old school with some resources on the vibrational theme this week!

Here is a track set to 528 HZ, the Solfeggio miracle tone. This is a healing frequency that is proven to increase DNA’s ability to absorb light. It was used in 2010 to help purify ocean waters after the BP oil spill.
Here is my favorite cord cutting meditation. It’s particularly helpful for those of us who are recovering codependents – it gives you a place to put the cut cords!

I’ve been listening to you. I know it’s scary to take the risk to invest in coaching.
For lots of reasons, one of which can be, who am I to deserve this or create more?
Another, I don’t want to spend the money.

But the world hugely benefits when you say yes to “Do you want MORE?”. Women are here to have impact and make good money. It is your divine right to have it all.

I am here to help you get across the line… or all the lines… into that.
To that end, I’ve been rethinking some offers and here are the treats I’ve lined up.

🌟 Start with me for $295. Atelier at a NEW price. You can add coaching sessions a la carte! 
>> Learn about this Monthly Group Container for Support & Expansion

💫 Mentor with me: A cutting-edge model for coach training. $1250/month all in.
>> Get the details

⚡️ Mini VIP in PDX: Starts at $395
>> Let's Chat. 

A year together. Most clients stay for 3. If this is you, you know.

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Women are pure magic. We need support to keep it flowing.

I send out the occasional inspirational snack and would love to share it with you.